
  • Topic: Social Protection & Labor: Unemployment
  • Definition: Unemployment refers to the share of the labor force that is without work but available for and seeking employment.
  • Source: International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database. Data retrieved in March 2017.
  • Statistical concept and methodology: The standard definition of unemployed persons is those individuals without work, seeking work in a recent past period, and currently available for work, including people who have lost their jobs or who have voluntarily left work. Persons who did not look for work but have an arrangements for a future job are also counted as unemployed. Some unemployment is unavoidable. At any time some workers are temporarily unemployed between jobs as employers look for the right workers and workers search for better jobs. It is the labour force or the economically active portion of the population that serves as the base for this indicator, not the total population. The series is part of the ILO estimates and is harmonized to ensure comparability across countries and over time by accounting for differences in data source, scope of coverage, methodology, and other country-specific factors. The estimates are based mainly on nationally representative labor force surveys, with other sources (population censuses and nationally reported estimates) used only when no survey data are available.
  • Development relevance: Paradoxically, low unemployment rates can disguise substantial poverty in a country, while high unemployment rates can occur in countries with a high level of economic development and low rates of poverty. In countries without unemployment or welfare benefits people eke out a living in vulnerable employment. In countries with well-developed safety nets workers can afford to wait for suitable or desirable jobs. But high and sustained unemployment indicates serious inefficiencies in resource allocation. Youth unemployment is an important policy issue for many economies. Young men and women today face increasing uncertainty in their hopes of undergoing a satisfactory transition in the labour market, and this uncertainty and disillusionment can, in turn, have damaging effects on individuals, communities, economies and society at large. Unemployed or underemployed youth are less able to contribute effectively to national development and have fewer opportunities to exercise their rights as citizens. They have less to spend as consumers, less to invest as savers and often have no "voice" to bring about change in their lives and communities. Widespread youth unemployment and underemployment also prevents companies and countries from innovating and developing competitive advantages based on human capital investment, thus undermining future prospects. Unemployment is a key measure to monitor whether a country is on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal of promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. [SDG Indicator 8.5.2]
  • General comments: Data up to 2016 are estimates while data from 2017 are projections. National estimates are also available in the WDI database. Caution should be used when comparing ILO estimates with national estimates.
  • Limitations and exceptions: The criteria for people considered to be seeking work, and the treatment of people temporarily laid off or seeking work for the first time, vary across countries. In many cases it is especially difficult to measure employment and unemployment in agriculture. The timing of a survey can maximize the effects of seasonal unemployment in agriculture. And informal sector employment is difficult to quantify where informal activities are not tracked. There may be also persons not currently in the labour market who want to work but do not actively "seek" work because they view job opportunities as limited, or because they have restricted labour mobility, or face discrimination, or structural, social or cultural barriers. The exclusion of people who want to work but are not seeking work (often called the "hidden unemployed" or "discouraged workers") is a criterion that will affect the unemployment count of both women and men. However, women tend to be excluded from the count for various reasons. Women suffer more from discrimination and from structural, social, and cultural barriers that impede them from seeking work. Also, women are often responsible for the care of children and the elderly and for household affairs. They may not be available for work during the short reference period, as they need to make arrangements before starting work. Further, women are considered to be employed when they are working part-time or in temporary jobs, despite the instability of these jobs or their active search for more secure employment.

List of countries ordered by: Unemployment, total (% of total labor force)

CountryUnemployment, total (% of total labor force)
1Solomon Islands31.40 %
2Gambia29.57 %
3Namibia26.94 %
4Lesotho26.52 %
5Bosnia and Herzegovina26.26 %
6TFYR Macedonia26.07 %
7State of Palestine25.90 %
8Swaziland25.75 %
9South Africa25.15 %
10Greece24.90 %
11Mozambique24.67 %
12Spain22.06 %
13Saint Lucia20.57 %
14Comoros19.88 %
15French Polynesia19.29 %
16Libya19.22 %
17Gabon19.11 %
18Saint Vincent and the Grenadines19.04 %
19Yemen18.11 %
20Botswana17.86 %
21Serbia17.66 %
22Montenegro17.52 %
23Oman17.25 %
24Albania17.08 %
25Armenia17.03 %
26Croatia16.28 %
27Bahamas16.08 %
28Iraq15.48 %
29Tunisia15.15 %
30Cyprus14.91 %
31New Caledonia14.54 %
32Syrian Arab Republic14.54 %
33Dominican Republic14.40 %
34Sao Tome and Principe13.56 %
35Haiti13.49 %
36Jamaica13.31 %
37Sudan13.18 %
38Jordan13.10 %
39Egypt12.84 %
40Portugal12.44 %
41Puerto Rico12.03 %
42Georgia11.96 %
43Italy11.90 %
44Guyana11.60 %
45Slovakia11.48 %
46Barbados11.35 %
47Kenya11.29 %
48Mauritania11.12 %
49Guam11.08 %
50Iran11.06 %
51Algeria11.00 %
52Tajikistan10.78 %
53Congo10.62 %
54Cabo Verde10.47 %
55France10.36 %
56Turkey10.24 %
57Belize9.97 %
58Latvia9.87 %
59Senegal9.78 %
60Morocco9.70 %
61Costa Rica9.61 %
62Ireland9.40 %
63Finland9.38 %
64Côte d'Ivoire9.34 %
65United States Virgin Islands9.21 %
66Bulgaria9.14 %
67Ukraine9.14 %
68Lithuania9.12 %
69Slovenia8.96 %
70Colombia8.95 %
71Uzbekistan8.92 %
72Turkmenistan8.72 %
73Brazil8.52 %
74Afghanistan8.52 %
75Belgium8.48 %
76Suriname8.39 %
77Fiji8.22 %
78Mali8.14 %
79Mauritius7.92 %
80Samoa7.73 %
81Zambia7.63 %
82Kyrgyzstan7.56 %
83Poland7.50 %
84Mongolia7.45 %
85Sweden7.43 %
86Honduras7.38 %
87Uruguay7.30 %
88Eritrea7.18 %
89Equatorial Guinea6.96 %
90Guinea6.90 %
91Canada6.90 %
92Netherlands6.87 %
93Venezuela6.82 %
94Hungary6.81 %
95Romania6.81 %
96Togo6.81 %
97Central African Republic6.76 %
98Angola6.67 %
99Luxembourg6.67 %
100Somalia6.67 %
101Malawi6.64 %
102Argentina6.62 %
103Djibouti6.60 %
104Guinea-Bissau6.55 %
105Lebanon6.54 %
106Philippines6.29 %
107Chile6.21 %
108Estonia6.19 %
109El Salvador6.18 %
110Denmark6.17 %
111Australia6.06 %
112Indonesia5.99 %
113Pakistan5.90 %
114Chad5.78 %
115Austria5.72 %
116Nicaragua5.61 %
117Saudi Arabia5.59 %
118Russian Federation5.57 %
119Ghana5.54 %
120Least developed countries5.39 %
121Malta5.39 %
122New Zealand5.36 %
123Panama5.35 %
124United Kingdom5.30 %
125United States of America5.30 %
126Paraguay5.29 %
127Vanuatu5.28 %
128Ethiopia5.27 %
129Israel5.25 %
130Zimbabwe5.11 %
131Czech Republic5.05 %
133Kazakhstan4.97 %
134Azerbaijan4.96 %
135Tonga4.95 %
136Republic of Moldova4.90 %
137Ecuador4.77 %
138Sri Lanka4.66 %
139Germany4.62 %
140China4.59 %
141Switzerland4.55 %
142Peru4.42 %
143Cameroon4.37 %
144Mexico4.34 %
145Dem. People's Republic of Korea4.30 %
146Norway4.30 %
147Nigeria4.28 %
148Bangladesh4.12 %
149Iceland3.98 %
150Liberia3.87 %
151Maldives3.87 %
152United Arab Emirates3.81 %
153D.R. Congo3.67 %
154Timor-Leste3.63 %
155Republic of Korea3.60 %
156Bolivia3.50 %
157India3.49 %
158Japan3.40 %
159Trinidad and Tobago3.39 %
160China, Hong Kong SAR3.28 %
161Malaysia3.10 %
162Burkina Faso3.08 %
163Nepal3.03 %
164Sierra Leone2.97 %
165Cuba2.91 %
166Rwanda2.80 %
167Kuwait2.78 %
168Niger2.59 %
169Papua New Guinea2.48 %
170Bhutan2.45 %
171Tanzania2.43 %
172Guatemala2.42 %
173Uganda2.15 %
174Viet Nam2.12 %
175Brunei Darussalam1.86 %
176China, Macao SAR1.80 %
177Madagascar1.80 %
178Singapore1.69 %
179Burundi1.62 %
180Laos1.42 %
181Bahrain1.23 %
182Benin1.02 %
183Myanmar0.80 %
184Thailand0.67 %
185Belarus0.51 %
186Cambodia0.18 %
187Qatar0.16 %

Source: Health Nutrition and Population Statistics - World Bank - Downloaded in August 2017