
  • Topic: Health: Risk factors
  • Definition: The proportion of population at risk of impoverishing expenditure when surgical care is required. Impoverishing expenditure is defined as direct out of pocket payments for surgical and anaesthesia care which drive people below a poverty threshold (using a threshold of $1.25 PPP/day).
  • Source: The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery (

List of countries ordered by: Risk of impoverishing expenditure for surgical care (% of people at risk)

CountryRisk of impoverishing expenditure for surgical care (% of people at risk)
1Burundi98.70 %
2Ethiopia97.60 %
3Niger93.40 %
4Eritrea93.10 %
5Malawi91.80 %
6D.R. Congo90.60 %
7Nepal87.50 %
8Madagascar87.00 %
9Liberia85.60 %
10Tanzania85.50 %
11Tajikistan85.30 %
12Uganda85.00 %
13Sierra Leone84.30 %
14Afghanistan83.10 %
15Burkina Faso83.10 %
16Rwanda83.00 %
17Central African Republic82.90 %
18Least developed countries81.22 %
19Guinea80.70 %
20Togo80.50 %
21Mozambique80.50 %
22Sao Tome and Principe80.50 %
23Bangladesh79.10 %
24Mali77.70 %
25Gambia77.10 %
26Laos76.40 %
27Chad75.30 %
28Kenya75.20 %
29Comoros75.10 %
30Uzbekistan74.80 %
31Benin74.50 %
32Haiti74.50 %
33Timor-Leste72.00 %
34Cambodia71.80 %
35Congo69.90 %
36Bolivia69.80 %
37Mauritania68.60 %
38Guinea-Bissau67.80 %
39India67.30 %
40Nigeria65.30 %
41Sudan65.20 %
42Kyrgyzstan65.10 %
43Viet Nam63.60 %
44Côte d'Ivoire62.90 %
45Pakistan62.80 %
46Djibouti62.20 %
48Honduras61.80 %
49Bhutan61.50 %
50Lesotho61.40 %
51Senegal60.10 %
52Paraguay59.40 %
53Cameroon57.00 %
54Solomon Islands56.80 %
55Papua New Guinea55.80 %
56Namibia55.70 %
57Angola55.50 %
58Equatorial Guinea55.20 %
59Mongolia54.00 %
60Ghana53.90 %
61Yemen53.80 %
62China52.70 %
63Zambia52.50 %
64Guatemala52.40 %
65Philippines50.60 %
66Micronesia (Fed. States of)50.60 %
67South Africa50.10 %
68Botswana50.00 %
69Indonesia48.40 %
70Turkmenistan45.70 %
71Georgia45.10 %
72Colombia44.60 %
73Swaziland44.40 %
74Sri Lanka44.20 %
75Morocco43.50 %
76Republic of Moldova41.90 %
77Belize41.30 %
78Peru39.80 %
79Seychelles39.20 %
80Brazil38.80 %
81Ecuador38.40 %
82Azerbaijan38.40 %
83TFYR Macedonia38.10 %
84Iran37.60 %
85Guyana37.20 %
86Egypt37.20 %
87Vanuatu37.00 %
88Syrian Arab Republic35.70 %
89Nicaragua35.50 %
90Algeria35.50 %
91Cuba34.60 %
92Kiribati34.10 %
93Panama33.60 %
94Suriname33.30 %
95Costa Rica32.40 %
96El Salvador32.30 %
97Cabo Verde32.10 %
98Thailand29.40 %
99Malaysia29.10 %
100Chile28.70 %
101Latvia27.20 %
102Gabon26.80 %
103Dominican Republic26.60 %
104Grenada25.60 %
105Venezuela24.80 %
106Saint Vincent and the Grenadines24.40 %
107Fiji24.10 %
108Armenia23.10 %
109Tunisia22.40 %
110Mauritius22.10 %
111Saint Lucia22.00 %
112Jamaica21.00 %
113Libya20.40 %
114Uruguay18.50 %
115Samoa18.40 %
116Russian Federation18.10 %
117Mexico17.80 %
118Estonia17.60 %
119Antigua and Barbuda17.50 %
120Jordan17.20 %
121Barbados16.10 %
122Tonga16.00 %
123Argentina15.50 %
124Ukraine15.30 %
125Singapore15.30 %
126Saudi Arabia14.90 %
127Lebanon13.30 %
128Bahamas12.60 %
129Lithuania12.10 %
130Albania11.30 %
131Oman10.30 %
132Trinidad and Tobago9.60 %
133Kazakhstan9.50 %
134Bosnia and Herzegovina9.20 %
135Maldives8.80 %
136Brunei Darussalam8.30 %
137Qatar7.70 %
138Belarus7.40 %
139Turkey7.40 %
140Serbia6.20 %
141Malta6.10 %
142Iraq5.60 %
143Hungary5.60 %
144Portugal4.90 %
145Kuwait4.40 %
146Bulgaria4.30 %
147Israel4.20 %
148Bahrain3.20 %
149Croatia2.80 %
150United Arab Emirates2.20 %
151Poland2.00 %
152Montenegro1.70 %
153New Zealand1.60 %
154Iceland1.60 %
155United States of America1.40 %
156Slovenia1.10 %
157Italy1.10 %
158Greece1.10 %
159Romania0.80 %
160Ireland0.70 %
161Cyprus0.70 %
162Spain0.60 %
163United Kingdom0.60 %
164Australia0.60 %
165Switzerland0.60 %
166Republic of Korea0.40 %
167Belgium0.40 %
168Canada0.30 %
169Czech Republic0.30 %
170Slovakia0.20 %
171France0.20 %
172Austria0.10 %
173Luxembourg0.10 %
174Netherlands0.10 %
175Sweden0.00 %
176Norway0.00 %
177Japan0.00 %
178Germany0.00 %
179Monaco0.00 %
180Finland0.00 %
181Denmark0.00 %

Source: Health Nutrition and Population Statistics - World Bank - Downloaded in August 2017