
  • Topic: Health: Population: Structure
  • Definition: Male population is the percentage of the population that is male. Population is based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship.
  • Source: World Bank staff estimates based on age/sex distributions of United Nations Population Division's World Population Prospects.
  • Statistical concept and methodology: Population structure by age and sex in the World Bank's estimates is based on the population structure by age and sex in United Nations Population Division's World Population Prospects. For more information, see the original source.

List of countries ordered by: Population, male (% of total)

CountryPopulation, male (% of total)
1United Arab Emirates73.26 %
2Qatar72.64 %
3Oman66.33 %
4Bahrain61.98 %
5Saudi Arabia56.55 %
6Kuwait56.18 %
7Bhutan53.73 %
8India51.83 %
9Malaysia51.60 %
10Afghanistan51.57 %
11Samoa51.57 %
12China51.52 %
13Brunei Darussalam51.52 %
14Pakistan51.37 %
15Equatorial Guinea51.25 %
16Micronesia (Fed. States of)51.23 %
17Jordan51.21 %
18French Polynesia51.03 %
19Cyprus51.02 %
20Papua New Guinea51.01 %
21Nigeria50.93 %
23Côte d'Ivoire50.86 %
24Fiji50.85 %
25Solomon Islands50.78 %
26Timor-Leste50.78 %
27Paraguay50.75 %
28Guam50.71 %
29State of Palestine50.70 %
30Seychelles50.65 %
31Vanuatu50.65 %
32Tajikistan50.65 %
33Syrian Arab Republic50.62 %
34Iraq50.62 %
35Gabon50.57 %
36Egypt50.53 %
37Yemen50.51 %
38Bangladesh50.48 %
39Mali50.48 %
40Philippines50.46 %
41Saint Vincent and the Grenadines50.46 %
42New Caledonia50.44 %
43Comoros50.44 %
44Liberia50.40 %
45Niger50.40 %
46Norway50.37 %
47Iran50.35 %
48Indonesia50.35 %
49Mauritania50.32 %
50Algeria50.31 %
51Libya50.28 %
52Guyana50.26 %
53Cuba50.24 %
54Lebanon50.22 %
55Djibouti50.22 %
56Sudan50.20 %
57Luxembourg50.19 %
58Grenada50.16 %
59Maldives50.15 %
60Tonga50.15 %
61Guinea50.14 %
62Panama50.13 %
63Suriname50.10 %
64Iceland50.09 %
65Bolivia50.08 %
66South Sudan50.08 %
67Chad50.06 %
68Costa Rica50.03 %
69Congo50.02 %
70Cameroon50.00 %
71Ecuador49.99 %
72Kenya49.98 %
73Honduras49.98 %
74Uganda49.98 %
75Sweden49.97 %
76Australia49.96 %
77Botswana49.96 %
78Peru49.95 %
79Zambia49.92 %
80Malawi49.92 %
81Ireland49.91 %
82Ethiopia49.91 %
83Least developed countries49.89 %
84Benin49.87 %
85D.R. Congo49.87 %
86Madagascar49.85 %
87Belize49.85 %
88Dominican Republic49.83 %
89Malta49.80 %
90Jamaica49.80 %
91Venezuela49.79 %
92Sao Tome and Principe49.78 %
93Azerbaijan49.78 %
94TFYR Macedonia49.78 %
95Bosnia and Herzegovina49.77 %
96Laos49.77 %
97Somalia49.76 %
98Ghana49.75 %
99Mexico49.74 %
100Tanzania49.70 %
101Republic of Korea49.70 %
102Guinea-Bissau49.64 %
103Denmark49.64 %
104Netherlands49.63 %
105Angola49.62 %
106Burkina Faso49.62 %
107Albania49.60 %
108Canada49.60 %
109Israel49.59 %
110Slovenia49.57 %
111United States of America49.57 %
112Switzerland49.52 %
113Gambia49.50 %
114Mongolia49.50 %
115Kyrgyzstan49.50 %
116Lesotho49.50 %
117Sierra Leone49.48 %
118Viet Nam49.47 %
119Haiti49.46 %
120Swaziland49.45 %
121Morocco49.42 %
122Burundi49.42 %
123Tunisia49.42 %
124Montenegro49.41 %
125Togo49.41 %
126Mauritius49.39 %
127Singapore49.34 %
128Cabo Verde49.34 %
129Trinidad and Tobago49.34 %
130Chile49.34 %
131Kiribati49.30 %
132Nicaragua49.29 %
133Central African Republic49.29 %
134United Kingdom49.29 %
135Thailand49.29 %
136Zimbabwe49.27 %
137Colombia49.23 %
138Finland49.22 %
139Belgium49.20 %
140South Africa49.18 %
141Uzbekistan49.17 %
142Brazil49.17 %
143Turkey49.16 %
144Turkmenistan49.14 %
145Germany49.14 %
146Czech Republic49.13 %
147Austria49.11 %
148Senegal49.10 %
149Saint Lucia49.06 %
150Spain49.05 %
151Bahamas48.96 %
152Argentina48.93 %
153Guatemala48.91 %
154Dem. People's Republic of Korea48.90 %
155New Zealand48.87 %
156Myanmar48.86 %
157Mozambique48.85 %
158Serbia48.80 %
159Greece48.79 %
160Cambodia48.78 %
161Namibia48.67 %
162France48.67 %
163Japan48.63 %
164Italy48.61 %
165Bulgaria48.58 %
166Slovakia48.47 %
167Nepal48.46 %
168Romania48.44 %
169Poland48.36 %
170Kazakhstan48.29 %
171Uruguay48.27 %
172Croatia48.23 %
173Sri Lanka48.17 %
174China, Macao SAR48.16 %
175Puerto Rico48.07 %
176Republic of Moldova48.07 %
177Barbados47.91 %
178Rwanda47.89 %
179Antigua and Barbuda47.80 %
180Georgia47.71 %
181United States Virgin Islands47.64 %
182Hungary47.60 %
183Aruba47.53 %
184Portugal47.35 %
185China, Hong Kong SAR46.95 %
186El Salvador46.93 %
187Estonia46.80 %
188Belarus46.48 %
189Russian Federation46.46 %
190Armenia46.38 %
191Ukraine46.31 %
192Curaçao46.13 %
193Lithuania46.04 %
194Latvia45.88 %

Source: Health Nutrition and Population Statistics - World Bank - Downloaded in August 2017