
  • Topic: Health: Population: Dynamics
  • Definition: Annual population growth rate for year t is the exponential rate of growth of midyear population from year t-1 to t, expressed as a percentage . Population is based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship.
  • Source: Derived from total population. Population source: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (3) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (4) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Reprot (various years), (5) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database, and (6) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme.
  • Statistical concept and methodology: Total population growth rates are calculated on the assumption that rate of growth is constant between two points in time. The growth rate is computed using the exponential growth formula: r = ln(pn/p0)/n, where r is the exponential rate of growth, ln() is the natural logarithm, pn is the end period population, p0 is the beginning period population, and n is the number of years in between. Note that this is not the geometric growth rate used to compute compound growth over discrete periods. For information on total population from which the growth rates are calculated, see total population (SP.POP.TOTL).

List of countries ordered by: Population growth (annual %)

CountryPopulation growth (annual %)
1Oman5.83 %
2Lebanon4.16 %
3Niger4.03 %
4Kuwait3.64 %
5South Sudan3.54 %
6Burundi3.29 %
7Chad3.26 %
8Uganda3.25 %
9Angola3.23 %
10Iraq3.21 %
11Gambia3.20 %
12D.R. Congo3.14 %
13Tanzania3.13 %
14Zambia3.07 %
15Malawi3.07 %
16Senegal3.07 %
17Mali2.96 %
18State of Palestine2.92 %
19Equatorial Guinea2.90 %
20Burkina Faso2.89 %
21Qatar2.87 %
22Afghanistan2.80 %
23Madagascar2.78 %
24Mozambique2.76 %
25Guinea2.68 %
26Nigeria2.63 %
27Togo2.63 %
28Benin2.62 %
29Kenya2.61 %
30Somalia2.53 %
31Congo2.53 %
32Ethiopia2.48 %
33Cameroon2.48 %
34Yemen2.45 %
35Mauritania2.44 %
36Côte d'Ivoire2.43 %
37Guinea-Bissau2.40 %
38Liberia2.40 %
39Least developed countries2.39 %
40Jordan2.38 %
41Comoros2.37 %
42Luxembourg2.36 %
43Timor-Leste2.34 %
44Rwanda2.34 %
45Zimbabwe2.31 %
46Namibia2.30 %
47Ghana2.30 %
48Seychelles2.23 %
49Sudan2.22 %
50Tajikistan2.22 %
51Gabon2.20 %
52Vanuatu2.20 %
53Sierra Leone2.15 %
54Belize2.13 %
55Egypt2.13 %
56Sao Tome and Principe2.12 %
57Saudi Arabia2.09 %
58Pakistan2.08 %
59Papua New Guinea2.07 %
60Kyrgyzstan2.06 %
61Guatemala2.02 %
62Maldives2.02 %
63Israel1.98 %
64Central African Republic1.98 %
65Solomon Islands1.98 %
66Botswana1.90 %
67New Zealand1.89 %
68Algeria1.86 %
69New Caledonia1.85 %
70Kiribati1.75 %
71Uzbekistan1.74 %
72Mongolia1.68 %
73Laos1.67 %
74China, Macao SAR1.66 %
75Cambodia1.62 %
76South Africa1.59 %
77Panama1.58 %
78Philippines1.56 %
79Bolivia1.53 %
80Ecuador1.51 %
81Kazakhstan1.46 %
83Turkey1.46 %
84Malaysia1.42 %
85Honduras1.41 %
86Swaziland1.40 %
87Australia1.39 %
88Guam1.39 %
89Brunei Darussalam1.38 %
90Venezuela1.34 %
91Morocco1.34 %
92Djibouti1.33 %
93Curaçao1.32 %
94Paraguay1.31 %
95Haiti1.31 %
96Peru1.29 %
97Mexico1.29 %
98Bahamas1.29 %
99Bhutan1.28 %
100Cabo Verde1.28 %
101Turkmenistan1.24 %
102Iran1.23 %
103Lesotho1.22 %
104Indonesia1.21 %
105India1.21 %
106Bangladesh1.20 %
107Nepal1.20 %
108Azerbaijan1.19 %
109Singapore1.19 %
110Dominican Republic1.17 %
111Austria1.13 %
112Switzerland1.13 %
113Nicaragua1.13 %
114Bahrain1.12 %
115Tunisia1.10 %
116Viet Nam1.08 %
117French Polynesia1.06 %
118Sweden1.06 %
119Costa Rica1.05 %
120Malta1.05 %
121Iceland1.04 %
122Chile1.04 %
123Norway1.03 %
124Argentina1.01 %
125Antigua and Barbuda1.00 %
126Cyprus1.00 %
127Sri Lanka0.93 %
128Colombia0.91 %
129China, Hong Kong SAR0.88 %
130Suriname0.87 %
131Germany0.86 %
132Myanmar0.86 %
133Brazil0.86 %
134Canada0.85 %
135United Kingdom0.79 %
136United States of America0.78 %
137United Arab Emirates0.78 %
138Saint Lucia0.73 %
139Samoa0.72 %
140Denmark0.71 %
141Fiji0.64 %
142Ireland0.57 %
143Tonga0.55 %
144Dem. People's Republic of Korea0.51 %
145China0.51 %
146Grenada0.45 %
147Netherlands0.44 %
148Aruba0.43 %
149Guyana0.42 %
150Trinidad and Tobago0.41 %
151France0.41 %
152Micronesia (Fed. States of)0.40 %
153Armenia0.38 %
154Republic of Korea0.38 %
155Jamaica0.36 %
156Uruguay0.35 %
157Thailand0.34 %
158Finland0.33 %
159Libya0.31 %
160El Salvador0.31 %
161Barbados0.29 %
162Monaco0.29 %
163Czech Republic0.20 %
164Russian Federation0.19 %
165Belgium0.16 %
166Belarus0.16 %
167TFYR Macedonia0.14 %
168Mauritius0.13 %
169Slovakia0.10 %
170Saint Vincent and the Grenadines0.09 %
171Cuba0.09 %
172Slovenia0.08 %
173Montenegro0.06 %
174Estonia0.00 %
175Republic of Moldova-0.06 %
176Poland-0.07 %
177Spain-0.08 %
178Italy-0.10 %
179Japan-0.14 %
180Albania-0.16 %
181Bosnia and Herzegovina-0.19 %
182Hungary-0.24 %
183Ukraine-0.26 %
184Georgia-0.27 %
185Portugal-0.41 %
186Romania-0.47 %
187Serbia-0.49 %
188United States Virgin Islands-0.57 %
189Bulgaria-0.64 %
190Greece-0.66 %
191Latvia-0.82 %
192Croatia-0.82 %
193Lithuania-0.94 %
194Syrian Arab Republic-1.45 %
195Puerto Rico-1.73 %

Source: Health Nutrition and Population Statistics - World Bank - Downloaded in August 2017