
  • Topic: Health: Population: Structure
  • Definition: Population ages 65 and above as a percentage of the total population. Population is based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship.
  • Source: World Bank staff estimates based on age/sex distributions of United Nations Population Division's World Population Prospects.
  • Statistical concept and methodology: Age structure in the World Bank's population estimates is based on the age structure in United Nations Population Division's World Population Prospects. For more information, see the original source. Total population is based on the de facto population including all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship. The values shown are midyear estimates. For more information see metadata for total population (SP.POP.TOTL).
  • Development relevance: Patterns of development in a country are partly determined by the age composition of its population. Different age groups have different impacts on both the environment and on infrastructure needs. Therefore the age structure of a population is useful for analyzing resource use and formulating future policy and planning goals with regards infrastructure and development. This indicator is used for calculating age dependency ratio (percent of working-age population). The age dependency ratio is the ratio of the sum of the population aged 0-14 and the population aged 65 and above to the population aged 15-64. In many developing countries, the once rapidly growing population group of the under-15 population is shrinking. As a result, high fertility rates, together with declining mortality rates, are now reflected in the larger share of the 65 and older population.
  • Limitations and exceptions: Because the five-year age group is the cohort unit and five-year period data are used in the United Nations Population Division's World Population Prospects, interpolations to obtain annual data or single age structure may not reflect actual events or age composition. For more information, see the original source.

List of countries ordered by: Population ages 65 and above (% of total)

CountryPopulation ages 65 and above (% of total)
1Japan26.34 %
2Italy22.41 %
3Greece21.40 %
4Germany21.24 %
5Portugal20.79 %
6Finland20.48 %
7Bulgaria20.03 %
8Sweden19.94 %
9Latvia19.37 %
10Malta19.25 %
11France19.12 %
12Denmark18.96 %
13Croatia18.94 %
14Lithuania18.85 %
15Spain18.79 %
16Estonia18.76 %
17Austria18.76 %
18Netherlands18.23 %
19Belgium18.22 %
20Czech Republic18.08 %
21Switzerland18.04 %
22Slovenia17.97 %
23Hungary17.82 %
24United Kingdom17.76 %
25United States Virgin Islands17.60 %
26Romania17.31 %
27Serbia17.08 %
28Norway16.33 %
29Canada16.14 %
30Poland15.53 %
31Bosnia and Herzegovina15.44 %
32Ukraine15.31 %
33China, Hong Kong SAR15.06 %
34Australia15.04 %
35New Zealand14.86 %
36Curaçao14.84 %
37United States of America14.79 %
38Puerto Rico14.47 %
39Uruguay14.43 %
40Barbados14.16 %
41Georgia14.03 %
42Luxembourg13.98 %
43Belarus13.98 %
44Cuba13.97 %
45Slovakia13.85 %
46Iceland13.71 %
47Montenegro13.65 %
48Russian Federation13.37 %
49Ireland13.14 %
50Republic of Korea13.13 %
51Cyprus12.85 %
52Albania12.40 %
53TFYR Macedonia12.32 %
54Aruba12.20 %
55Singapore11.68 %
56Israel11.24 %
57Chile11.00 %
58Argentina10.93 %
59Armenia10.83 %
60Thailand10.47 %
61New Caledonia10.17 %
62Republic of Moldova9.96 %
63Mauritius9.56 %
64China9.55 %
65Dem. People's Republic of Korea9.54 %
66Trinidad and Tobago9.41 %
67Sri Lanka9.30 %
68Jamaica9.14 %
69Saint Lucia9.00 %
70China, Macao SAR8.99 %
71Costa Rica8.90 %
72Guam8.73 %
73Bahamas8.28 %
74El Salvador8.17 %
75Lebanon8.14 %
76Brazil7.84 %
77Panama7.63 %
78Tunisia7.59 %
79French Polynesia7.55 %
80Turkey7.54 %
81Saint Vincent and the Grenadines7.33 %
82Antigua and Barbuda7.16 %
83Grenada7.16 %
84Colombia7.04 %
85Suriname6.89 %
86Seychelles6.88 %
87Peru6.83 %
88Viet Nam6.74 %
89Kazakhstan6.74 %
90Ecuador6.70 %
91Dominican Republic6.65 %
92Mexico6.47 %
93Bolivia6.47 %
94Venezuela6.27 %
95Morocco6.17 %
96Paraguay6.02 %
97Algeria5.94 %
98Malaysia5.89 %
99Tonga5.87 %
100Fiji5.83 %
101Azerbaijan5.63 %
102India5.62 %
103Timor-Leste5.58 %
104Nepal5.55 %
105Myanmar5.36 %
106Samoa5.23 %
108Egypt5.22 %
109Indonesia5.17 %
110Gabon5.10 %
111Nicaragua5.09 %
112Bhutan5.06 %
113Iran5.06 %
114South Africa5.03 %
115Guyana5.01 %
116Bangladesh4.97 %
117Honduras4.85 %
118Guatemala4.85 %
119Maldives4.70 %
120Uzbekistan4.66 %
121Haiti4.63 %
122Cabo Verde4.58 %
123Philippines4.58 %
124Libya4.54 %
125Pakistan4.49 %
126Brunei Darussalam4.42 %
127Micronesia (Fed. States of)4.36 %
128Kyrgyzstan4.23 %
129Vanuatu4.20 %
130Djibouti4.19 %
131Turkmenistan4.16 %
132Lesotho4.14 %
133Cambodia4.12 %
134Syrian Arab Republic4.06 %
135Mongolia4.04 %
136Central African Republic3.86 %
137Laos3.81 %
138Jordan3.79 %
139Belize3.76 %
140Kiribati3.70 %
141Congo3.66 %
142Botswana3.60 %
143Swaziland3.58 %
144Least developed countries3.57 %
145Namibia3.53 %
146Ethiopia3.48 %
147South Sudan3.46 %
148Malawi3.44 %
149Solomon Islands3.40 %
150Ghana3.39 %
151Mozambique3.35 %
152Sudan3.33 %
153Mauritania3.21 %
154Cameroon3.21 %
155Tanzania3.20 %
156Guinea-Bissau3.17 %
157Sao Tome and Principe3.09 %
158Guinea3.06 %
159Iraq3.06 %
160Côte d'Ivoire3.03 %
161Liberia3.01 %
162Papua New Guinea3.01 %
163Tajikistan3.01 %
164Zimbabwe2.96 %
165D.R. Congo2.96 %
166State of Palestine2.96 %
167Senegal2.93 %
168Zambia2.91 %
169Benin2.89 %
170Equatorial Guinea2.89 %
171Saudi Arabia2.86 %
172Madagascar2.84 %
173Somalia2.82 %
174Kenya2.80 %
175Comoros2.79 %
176Rwanda2.79 %
177Yemen2.79 %
178Togo2.76 %
179Nigeria2.74 %
180Sierra Leone2.67 %
181Oman2.58 %
182Niger2.58 %
183Mali2.52 %
184Uganda2.49 %
185Burundi2.47 %
186Afghanistan2.47 %
187Chad2.45 %
188Bahrain2.41 %
189Burkina Faso2.39 %
190Gambia2.31 %
191Angola2.31 %
192Kuwait1.97 %
193Qatar1.18 %
194United Arab Emirates1.14 %

Source: Health Nutrition and Population Statistics - World Bank - Downloaded in August 2017