
  • Topic: Health: Health systems
  • Definition: Physicians include generalist and specialist medical practitioners.
  • Source: World Health Organization's Global Health Workforce Statistics, OECD, supplemented by country data.
  • Statistical concept and methodology: Health systems - the combined arrangements of institutions and actions whose primary purpose is to promote, restore, or maintain health (World Health Organization, World Health Report 2000) - are increasingly being recognized as key to combating disease and improving the health status of populations. The World Bank's Healthy Development: Strategy for Health, Nutrition, and Population Results emphasizes the need to strengthen health systems, which are weak in many countries, in order to increase the effectiveness of programs aimed at reducing specific diseases and further reduce morbidity and mortality. To evaluate health systems, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that key components - such as financing, service delivery, workforce, governance, and information - be monitored using several key indicators. The data are a subset of the key indicators. Monitoring health systems allows the effectiveness, efficiency, and equity of different health system models to be compared. Health system data also help identify weaknesses and strengths and areas that need investment, such as additional health facilities, better health information systems, or better trained human resources. Data on health worker (physicians, nurses and midwives, and community health workers) density show the availability of medical personnel.
  • Development relevance: The WHO estimates that at least 2.5 medical staff (physicians, nurses and midwives) per 1,000 people are needed to provide adequate coverage with primary care interventions (WHO, World Health Report 2006).
  • Limitations and exceptions: The WHO compiles data from household and labor force surveys, censuses, and administrative records. Data comparability is limited by differences in definitions and training of medical personnel varies. In addition, human resources tend to be concentrated in urban areas, so that average densities do not provide a full picture of health personnel available to the entire population.

List of countries ordered by: Physicians (per 1,000 people)

CountryPhysicians (per 1,000 people)
1Qatar7.74 physicians
2Cuba6.72 physicians
3Greece6.17 physicians
4Spain5.08 physicians
5Austria4.86 physicians
6Georgia4.76 physicians
7Russian Federation4.31 physicians
8Norway4.16 physicians
9Switzerland4.08 physicians
10Portugal3.87 physicians
11Kazakhstan3.86 physicians
12Australia3.85 physicians
13Azerbaijan3.79 physicians
14Belgium3.78 physicians
15Sweden3.77 physicians
16Bulgaria3.76 physicians
17Uruguay3.74 physicians
18Iceland3.73 physicians
19Czech Republic3.71 physicians
20Germany3.69 physicians
21Israel3.65 physicians
22Lithuania3.64 physicians
23Latvia3.54 physicians
24Belarus3.51 physicians
25Italy3.49 physicians
26Denmark3.48 physicians
27France3.45 physicians
28Hungary3.41 physicians
29Slovakia3.35 physicians
30Estonia3.34 physicians
31Ukraine3.25 physicians
32Argentina3.21 physicians
33Ireland3.17 physicians
34Malta3.11 physicians
35Republic of Moldova3.07 physicians
36Lebanon3.07 physicians
37Finland2.90 physicians
38Netherlands2.86 physicians
39Egypt2.83 physicians
40Cyprus2.77 physicians
41Luxembourg2.77 physicians
42United Kingdom2.74 physicians
43Armenia2.74 physicians
44New Zealand2.73 physicians
45Croatia2.71 physicians
46Mongolia2.67 physicians
47TFYR Macedonia2.63 physicians
48Jordan2.56 physicians
49Slovenia2.54 physicians
50Uzbekistan2.54 physicians
51United Arab Emirates2.53 physicians
52Kuwait2.50 physicians
53United States of America2.41 physicians
54Kyrgyzstan2.40 physicians
55Turkmenistan2.39 physicians
56Saudi Arabia2.39 physicians
57Romania2.38 physicians
58Japan2.30 physicians
59Serbia2.11 physicians
60Tajikistan2.10 physicians
61Poland2.07 physicians
62Canada2.07 physicians
63Oman2.05 physicians
64Montenegro2.03 physicians
65Republic of Korea2.02 physicians
66Mexico1.99 physicians
67Singapore1.92 physicians
68Libya1.90 physicians
69Barbados1.81 physicians
70Brazil1.79 physicians
71Bosnia and Herzegovina1.69 physicians
72Ecuador1.69 physicians
73El Salvador1.60 physicians
74Turkey1.58 physicians
75Bahrain1.49 physicians
76Colombia1.47 physicians
77Panama1.46 physicians
78China1.46 physicians
79Syrian Arab Republic1.46 physicians
80Maldives1.42 physicians
81Brunei Darussalam1.36 physicians
82Tunisia1.22 physicians
83Algeria1.21 physicians
84Malaysia1.20 physicians
85Seychelles1.19 physicians
86Trinidad and Tobago1.18 physicians
87Albania1.13 physicians
88Viet Nam1.11 physicians
89Chile1.03 physicians
90Peru0.92 physicians
91Iran0.89 physicians
92Belize0.83 physicians
93Pakistan0.83 physicians
94Nicaragua0.70 physicians
95India0.69 physicians
96Sri Lanka0.68 physicians
97Morocco0.62 physicians
98Iraq0.61 physicians
99Tonga0.56 physicians
100Myanmar0.50 physicians
101Samoa0.48 physicians
102Bolivia0.44 physicians
103Fiji0.43 physicians
104Nigeria0.40 physicians
105Thailand0.39 physicians
106Kiribati0.38 physicians
107Namibia0.37 physicians
108Botswana0.34 physicians
109Bangladesh0.29 physicians
110Cabo Verde0.29 physicians
111Sudan0.28 physicians
112Laos0.27 physicians
113Djibouti0.23 physicians
114Solomon Islands0.22 physicians
115Guyana0.21 physicians
116Cambodia0.21 physicians
117Yemen0.20 physicians
118Afghanistan0.19 physicians
119Kenya0.18 physicians
120Micronesia (Fed. States of)0.18 physicians
121Madagascar0.16 physicians
122Côte d'Ivoire0.14 physicians
123Indonesia0.14 physicians
124Mauritania0.13 physicians
125Uganda0.12 physicians
126Vanuatu0.12 physicians
127Guinea0.10 physicians
128Ghana0.10 physicians
129Congo0.10 physicians
130Mali0.08 physicians
131Timor-Leste0.07 physicians
132Zimbabwe0.07 physicians
133Zambia0.07 physicians
134Benin0.06 physicians
135Senegal0.06 physicians
136Papua New Guinea0.06 physicians
137Rwanda0.06 physicians
138Togo0.05 physicians
139Burkina Faso0.05 physicians
140Guinea-Bissau0.04 physicians
141Mozambique0.04 physicians
142Gambia0.04 physicians
143Somalia0.04 physicians
144Bhutan0.02 physicians
145Sierra Leone0.02 physicians
146Ethiopia0.02 physicians
147Niger0.02 physicians
148Malawi0.02 physicians
149Liberia0.01 physicians
150Tanzania0.01 physicians

Source: Health Nutrition and Population Statistics - World Bank - Downloaded in August 2017