
  • Topic: Health: Risk factors
  • Definition: People practicing open defecation refers to the percentage of the population defecating in the open, such as in fields, forest, bushes, open bodies of water, on beaches, in other open spaces or disposed of with solid waste.
  • Source: WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) for Water Supply and Sanitation (

List of countries ordered by: People practicing open defecation, urban (% of urban population)

CountryPeople practicing open defecation, urban (% of urban population)
1South Sudan49.80 %
2Sao Tome and Principe47.50 %
3Eritrea35.90 %
4Liberia27.30 %
5Benin24.90 %
6Namibia20.30 %
7Kiribati19.70 %
8Togo18.00 %
9Madagascar17.90 %
10Nigeria15.50 %
11Cabo Verde15.40 %
12Niger14.30 %
13Chad13.90 %
14Indonesia13.10 %
15Mozambique13.10 %
16Mauritania11.60 %
17India9.80 %
18Solomon Islands9.50 %
19Burkina Faso9.10 %
20Sierra Leone8.40 %
21Haiti7.70 %
23Ghana6.80 %
24Saint Lucia6.70 %
25Timor-Leste6.50 %
26Ethiopia5.80 %
27Nepal5.60 %
28Côte d'Ivoire5.60 %
29Micronesia (Fed. States of)5.30 %
30Least developed countries4.60 %
31Central African Republic4.40 %
32Bolivia4.00 %
33Papua New Guinea3.80 %
34Djibouti3.70 %
35Lesotho3.60 %
36Equatorial Guinea3.40 %
37Philippines3.40 %
38Oman2.70 %
39Kenya2.60 %
40Nicaragua2.50 %
41Venezuela2.50 %
42D.R. Congo2.50 %
43Uganda2.20 %
44Mali2.00 %
45Tanzania2.00 %
46Dominican Republic2.00 %
47Guatemala1.90 %
48Congo1.70 %
49Grenada1.70 %
50Guinea-Bissau1.60 %
51Colombia1.50 %
52Zimbabwe1.50 %
53South Africa1.50 %
54Aruba1.50 %
55Burundi1.50 %
56Gabon1.50 %
57Mongolia1.40 %
58Argentina1.40 %
59French Polynesia1.40 %
60Swaziland1.40 %
61Malawi1.30 %
62Vanuatu1.30 %
63Zambia1.30 %
64Peru1.10 %
65Russian Federation1.00 %
66Sri Lanka1.00 %
67Laos1.00 %
68El Salvador0.90 %
69Rwanda0.80 %
70Barbados0.80 %
71Cameroon0.80 %
72Panama0.80 %
73Puerto Rico0.70 %
74Comoros0.70 %
75Seychelles0.60 %
76Pakistan0.60 %
77Senegal0.60 %
78Angola0.50 %
79Jamaica0.50 %
80Myanmar0.50 %
81Guam0.50 %
82Cuba0.40 %
83Guinea0.40 %
84Suriname0.30 %
85Croatia0.30 %
86Algeria0.20 %
87Brazil0.20 %
88Lebanon0.20 %
89Trinidad and Tobago0.20 %
90Costa Rica0.20 %
91Uruguay0.10 %
92Gambia0.10 %
93Syrian Arab Republic0.00 %
94Dem. People's Republic of Korea0.00 %
95Serbia0.00 %
96Monaco0.00 %
97Albania0.00 %
98Armenia0.00 %
99Australia0.00 %
100Austria0.00 %
101Bahamas0.00 %
102Bahrain0.00 %
103Bangladesh0.00 %
104Belarus0.00 %
105Belize0.00 %
106Bhutan0.00 %
107Botswana0.00 %
108Bulgaria0.00 %
109Cambodia0.00 %
110Canada0.00 %
111Chile0.00 %
112China0.00 %
113Cyprus0.00 %
114Egypt0.00 %
115Estonia0.00 %
116Kazakhstan0.00 %
117Netherlands0.00 %
118State of Palestine0.00 %
119Portugal0.00 %
120Saudi Arabia0.00 %
121Singapore0.00 %
122Slovakia0.00 %
123Spain0.00 %
124Sweden0.00 %
125Switzerland0.00 %
126Thailand0.00 %
127Tunisia0.00 %
128Ukraine0.00 %
129Viet Nam0.00 %
130Montenegro0.00 %
131Republic of Moldova0.00 %
132United States of America0.00 %
133Czech Republic0.00 %
134Denmark0.00 %
135Ecuador0.00 %
136Fiji0.00 %
137Finland0.00 %
138Georgia0.00 %
139Germany0.00 %
140Greece0.00 %
141Guyana0.00 %
142Honduras0.00 %
143Hungary0.00 %
144Iceland0.00 %
145Iraq0.00 %
146Israel0.00 %
147Italy0.00 %
148Japan0.00 %
149Jordan0.00 %
150Kyrgyzstan0.00 %
151Latvia0.00 %
152Luxembourg0.00 %
153Maldives0.00 %
154Mauritius0.00 %
155Morocco0.00 %
156New Caledonia0.00 %
157Paraguay0.00 %
158Poland0.00 %
159Samoa0.00 %
160United Arab Emirates0.00 %
161Afghanistan0.00 %
162Iran0.00 %
163TFYR Macedonia0.00 %
164Malta0.00 %
165Norway0.00 %
166Slovenia0.00 %
167Belgium0.00 %
168Bosnia and Herzegovina0.00 %
169Turkey0.00 %
170United Kingdom0.00 %
171Tajikistan0.00 %
172Uzbekistan0.00 %
173France0.00 %
174Kuwait0.00 %
175Malaysia0.00 %
176Mexico0.00 %
177Azerbaijan0.00 %
178Republic of Korea0.00 %

Source: Health Nutrition and Population Statistics - World Bank - Downloaded in August 2017