
  • Topic: Health: Disease prevention
  • Definition: Child immunization rate, hepatitis B is the percentage of children ages 12-23 months who received hepatitis B vaccinations before 12 months or at any time before the survey. A child is considered adequately immunized after three doses.
  • Source: WHO and UNICEF (
  • Statistical concept and methodology: Governments in developing countries usually finance immunization against measles and diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), and tetanus (DTP) as part of the basic public health package. The data shown here are based on an assessment of national immunization coverage rates by the WHO and UNICEF. The assessment considered both administrative data from service providers and household survey data on children's immunization histories. Based on the data available, consideration of potential biases, and contributions of local experts, the most likely true level of immunization coverage was determined for each year.
  • Limitations and exceptions: In many developing countries a lack of precise information on the size of the cohort of one-year-old children makes immunization coverage difficult to estimate from program statistics.

List of countries ordered by: Immunization, HepB3 (% of one-year-old children) - Hepatitis B

CountryImmunization, HepB3 (% of one-year-old children) - Hepatitis B
1Thailand99.00 %
2Saint Lucia99.00 %
3Qatar99.00 %
4China99.00 %
5Sri Lanka99.00 %
6Brunei Darussalam99.00 %
7Monaco99.00 %
8Malaysia99.00 %
9Antigua and Barbuda99.00 %
10Bolivia99.00 %
11Oman99.00 %
12Morocco99.00 %
13Kuwait99.00 %
14Mongolia99.00 %
15Uzbekistan99.00 %
16Maldives99.00 %
17Luxembourg99.00 %
18Belarus99.00 %
19Jordan99.00 %
20Bhutan99.00 %
21Fiji99.00 %
22Turkmenistan99.00 %
23Republic of Korea98.00 %
24Albania98.00 %
25Austria98.00 %
26Bahrain98.00 %
27Kazakhstan98.00 %
28Portugal98.00 %
29Rwanda98.00 %
30Saudi Arabia98.00 %
31Seychelles98.00 %
32Solomon Islands98.00 %
33Swaziland98.00 %
34Tunisia98.00 %
35Tanzania98.00 %
36Iran98.00 %
37Saint Vincent and the Grenadines98.00 %
38Belgium98.00 %
39Nicaragua98.00 %
40Israel97.00 %
41Gambia97.00 %
42Cyprus97.00 %
43Chile97.00 %
44Kyrgyzstan97.00 %
45Spain97.00 %
46Barbados97.00 %
47Viet Nam97.00 %
48Mauritius97.00 %
49Russian Federation97.00 %
50Czech Republic97.00 %
51Greece96.00 %
52Sao Tome and Principe96.00 %
53Dem. People's Republic of Korea96.00 %
54Cuba96.00 %
55Tajikistan96.00 %
56Singapore96.00 %
57Slovakia96.00 %
58Turkey96.00 %
59Azerbaijan96.00 %
60Poland96.00 %
61Brazil96.00 %
62Uruguay95.00 %
63Bahamas95.00 %
64Algeria95.00 %
65Malta95.00 %
66Guyana95.00 %
67Ireland95.00 %
68Botswana95.00 %
69Eritrea95.00 %
70Libya94.00 %
71Latvia94.00 %
72Georgia94.00 %
73Belize94.00 %
74Lithuania94.00 %
75Burundi94.00 %
76Armenia94.00 %
77Netherlands94.00 %
78Croatia94.00 %
79Argentina94.00 %
80Bangladesh94.00 %
81United Arab Emirates94.00 %
82Serbia94.00 %
83Paraguay93.00 %
84Italy93.00 %
85Lesotho93.00 %
86Australia93.00 %
87Sudan93.00 %
88Cabo Verde93.00 %
89Egypt93.00 %
90Costa Rica92.00 %
91New Zealand92.00 %
92Bulgaria92.00 %
93Grenada92.00 %
94Namibia92.00 %
95TFYR Macedonia92.00 %
96United States of America92.00 %
97Jamaica91.00 %
98Colombia91.00 %
99Nepal91.00 %
100Burkina Faso91.00 %
101Estonia91.00 %
102El Salvador91.00 %
103Zambia90.00 %
104Romania90.00 %
105Trinidad and Tobago90.00 %
106Peru90.00 %
107Senegal89.00 %
108Laos89.00 %
109Kenya89.00 %
110Suriname89.00 %
111Cambodia89.00 %
112Ghana88.00 %
113Germany88.00 %
114Togo88.00 %
115Republic of Moldova88.00 %
116Malawi88.00 %
117Venezuela87.00 %
118Zimbabwe87.00 %
119Kiribati87.00 %
120India87.00 %
121Ethiopia86.00 %
122Sierra Leone86.00 %
123Honduras85.00 %
124Djibouti84.00 %
125Cameroon84.00 %
126Côte d'Ivoire83.00 %
127France83.00 %
128Bosnia and Herzegovina82.00 %
129Montenegro82.00 %
130Tonga82.00 %
131Mexico82.00 %
133Lebanon81.00 %
134D.R. Congo81.00 %
135Dominican Republic81.00 %
136Indonesia81.00 %
137Least developed countries80.94 %
138Mozambique80.00 %
139Comoros80.00 %
140Guinea-Bissau80.00 %
141Congo80.00 %
142Gabon80.00 %
143Benin79.00 %
144Micronesia (Fed. States of)78.00 %
145Uganda78.00 %
146Ecuador78.00 %
147Afghanistan78.00 %
148Timor-Leste76.00 %
149Myanmar75.00 %
150Guatemala74.00 %
151Mauritania73.00 %
152Panama73.00 %
153Pakistan72.00 %
154South Africa71.00 %
155Madagascar69.00 %
156Yemen69.00 %
157Mali68.00 %
158Niger65.00 %
159Vanuatu64.00 %
160Angola64.00 %
161Papua New Guinea62.00 %
162Haiti60.00 %
163Philippines60.00 %
164Samoa59.00 %
165Nigeria56.00 %
166Iraq56.00 %
167Chad55.00 %
168Canada55.00 %
169Sweden53.00 %
170Liberia52.00 %
171Guinea51.00 %
172Central African Republic47.00 %
173Somalia42.00 %
174Syrian Arab Republic41.00 %
175South Sudan31.00 %
176Ukraine22.00 %
177Equatorial Guinea16.00 %

Source: Health Nutrition and Population Statistics - World Bank - Downloaded in August 2017