
  • Topic: Health: Health systems
  • Definition: Private health expenditure includes direct household (out-of-pocket) spending, private insurance, charitable donations, and direct service payments by private corporations.
  • Source: World Health Organization Global Health Expenditure database (see for the most recent updates).
  • Notes from original source: All the health expenditure indicators refer to expenditures by financing agent except external resources which is a financing source. When the number is smaller than 0.05%, the percentage may appear as zero. In countries where the fiscal year begins in July, expenditure data have been allocated to the later calendar year (for example, 2010 data will cover the fiscal year 2009–10), unless otherwise stated for the country.

List of countries ordered by: Health expenditure, private (% of GDP)

CountryHealth expenditure, private (% of GDP)
1Sierra Leone9.21 %
2United States of America8.86 %
3Liberia6.88 %
4Sudan6.63 %
5Haiti6.00 %
6Georgia5.86 %
7Uganda5.42 %
8Malawi5.38 %
9Paraguay5.31 %
10Mali5.29 %
11Afghanistan5.25 %
12Republic of Moldova5.02 %
13Tajikistan4.90 %
14Azerbaijan4.81 %
15Sao Tome and Principe4.74 %
16Rwanda4.66 %
17Ecuador4.65 %
18South Africa4.55 %
19Comoros4.53 %
20Brazil4.49 %
21Guinea-Bissau4.45 %
22Cambodia4.42 %
23Yemen4.37 %
24Honduras4.30 %
25Saint Vincent and the Grenadines4.25 %
26Bahamas4.19 %
27Iran4.05 %
28Côte d'Ivoire4.04 %
29Cyprus4.04 %
30Zimbabwe3.97 %
31Switzerland3.96 %
32Serbia3.95 %
33Nicaragua3.94 %
34Chile3.93 %
35Morocco3.91 %
36Guatemala3.87 %
37Bulgaria3.84 %
38Djibouti3.82 %
39Venezuela3.71 %
40Namibia3.57 %
41Burundi3.56 %
42Ukraine3.49 %
43Egypt3.49 %
44Nepal3.46 %
45Republic of Korea3.39 %
46Russian Federation3.38 %
47Lebanon3.35 %
48Portugal3.34 %
49India3.28 %
50Grenada3.27 %
51Viet Nam3.25 %
52Togo3.23 %
53Cameroon3.17 %
54Saint Lucia3.12 %
55Australia3.11 %
56Greece3.10 %
57Philippines3.10 %
58Israel3.06 %
59Mozambique3.04 %
60Canada3.04 %
61Mexico3.04 %
62Tunisia3.04 %
63Malta3.01 %
64Tanzania2.99 %
65Maldives2.98 %
66Albania2.95 %
67Guinea2.91 %
68Singapore2.87 %
70Least developed countries2.85 %
71Kyrgyzstan2.84 %
72Bosnia and Herzegovina2.76 %
73Trinidad and Tobago2.76 %
74Montenegro2.75 %
75Suriname2.75 %
76Nigeria2.75 %
77D.R. Congo2.73 %
78Uzbekistan2.73 %
79Barbados2.72 %
80Ireland2.64 %
81Spain2.63 %
82Slovenia2.61 %
83Niger2.61 %
84Germany2.60 %
85Armenia2.55 %
86Jamaica2.55 %
87Costa Rica2.55 %
88Lesotho2.54 %
89Hungary2.52 %
90France2.52 %
91Austria2.48 %
92Uruguay2.47 %
93China2.45 %
94Mauritius2.44 %
95Finland2.39 %
96TFYR Macedonia2.37 %
97Burkina Faso2.37 %
98Belgium2.34 %
99Benin2.34 %
100El Salvador2.30 %
101Gambia2.29 %
102Jordan2.26 %
103Italy2.26 %
104Swaziland2.25 %
105Senegal2.25 %
106Zambia2.23 %
107Botswana2.22 %
108Kenya2.22 %
109Slovakia2.21 %
110Iraq2.20 %
111Latvia2.17 %
112Peru2.15 %
113Panama2.15 %
114Central African Republic2.14 %
115Argentina2.13 %
116Guyana2.13 %
117Mongolia2.11 %
118Lithuania2.11 %
119Bangladesh2.03 %
120Ethiopia2.02 %
121Kazakhstan1.99 %
122Algeria1.96 %
123New Zealand1.95 %
124Belarus1.95 %
125Kiribati1.92 %
126Belize1.91 %
127Sweden1.91 %
128Mauritania1.90 %
129Malaysia1.87 %
130Poland1.84 %
131Bahrain1.83 %
132Eritrea1.81 %
133Colombia1.79 %
134Indonesia1.77 %
135Bolivia1.77 %
136Antigua and Barbuda1.76 %
137Syrian Arab Republic1.75 %
138Pakistan1.70 %
139Iceland1.68 %
140Japan1.68 %
141Denmark1.65 %
142Chad1.64 %
143South Sudan1.60 %
144Madagascar1.57 %
145Sri Lanka1.54 %
146United Kingdom1.54 %
147Fiji1.53 %
148Dominican Republic1.45 %
149Ghana1.43 %
150Netherlands1.42 %
151Croatia1.41 %
152Norway1.41 %
153Estonia1.35 %
154Libya1.31 %
155Micronesia (Fed. States of)1.27 %
156Myanmar1.23 %
157Turkey1.22 %
158Cabo Verde1.20 %
159Saudi Arabia1.19 %
160Angola1.18 %
161Czech Republic1.15 %
162Luxembourg1.12 %
163Romania1.09 %
164Gabon1.09 %
165United Arab Emirates1.01 %
166Bhutan0.96 %
167Congo0.94 %
168Laos0.92 %
169Thailand0.91 %
170Tonga0.91 %
171Equatorial Guinea0.87 %
172Papua New Guinea0.80 %
173Turkmenistan0.72 %
174Samoa0.68 %
175Vanuatu0.51 %
176Monaco0.50 %
177Cuba0.49 %
178Kuwait0.43 %
179Solomon Islands0.41 %
180Oman0.36 %
181Qatar0.31 %
182Seychelles0.26 %
183Brunei Darussalam0.16 %
184Timor-Leste0.14 %

Source: Health Nutrition and Population Statistics - World Bank - Downloaded in August 2017