
  • Topic: Health: Risk factors
  • Definition: Diabetes prevalence refers to the percentage of people ages 20-79 who have type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
  • Source: International Diabetes Federation, Diabetes Atlas.
  • Development relevance: Diabetes, an important cause of ill health and a risk factor for other diseases in developed countries, is spreading rapidly in developing countries. Highest among the elderly, prevalence rates are rising among younger and productive populations in developing countries. Economic development has led to the spread of Western lifestyles and diet to developing countries, resulting in a substantial increase in diabetes. Without effective prevention and control programs, diabetes will likely continue to increase.
  • Limitations and exceptions: The limited availability of data on health status is a major constraint in assessing the health situation in developing countries. Surveillance data are lacking for many major public health concerns. Estimates of prevalence and incidence are available for some diseases but are often unreliable and incomplete. National health authorities differ widely in capacity and willingness to collect or report information.

List of countries ordered by: Diabetes prevalence (% of population ages 20 to 79)

CountryDiabetes prevalence (% of population ages 20 to 79)
1Mauritius22.30 %
2Kuwait20.00 %
3Qatar20.00 %
4Saudi Arabia20.00 %
5New Caledonia19.60 %
6Bahrain19.60 %
7French Polynesia19.40 %
8United Arab Emirates19.30 %
9Guam18.70 %
10Kiribati18.60 %
11Malaysia17.90 %
12Seychelles17.40 %
13Egypt16.70 %
14Vanuatu16.60 %
15Belize16.50 %
16Solomon Islands16.40 %
17Micronesia (Fed. States of)16.30 %
18Mexico15.80 %
19Papua New Guinea15.30 %
20Oman14.80 %
21Fiji13.80 %
22Brunei Darussalam13.70 %
23Tonga13.70 %
24Barbados13.60 %
25Trinidad and Tobago13.60 %
26Antigua and Barbuda13.60 %
27Curaçao13.30 %
28Bahamas13.20 %
29Lebanon13.00 %
30Turkey12.80 %
31Suriname12.50 %
32United States Virgin Islands12.30 %
33Puerto Rico12.10 %
34Venezuela12.00 %
35Saint Vincent and the Grenadines11.90 %
36Jordan11.70 %
37Aruba11.70 %
38Jamaica11.50 %
39Grenada11.40 %
40Guyana11.20 %
41Guatemala11.10 %
42Saint Lucia10.90 %
43United States of America10.80 %
44Singapore10.50 %
45Montenegro10.50 %
46Brazil10.40 %
47Libya10.40 %
48Serbia10.30 %
49TFYR Macedonia10.30 %
50Albania10.30 %
51Iran10.10 %
52Chile10.00 %
53Cuba10.00 %
54Colombia10.00 %
55Bosnia and Herzegovina9.90 %
56Malta9.90 %
57Comoros9.90 %
58Portugal9.90 %
59China9.80 %
60Panama9.80 %
61Paraguay9.70 %
62Cyprus9.60 %
63Tunisia9.60 %
64State of Palestine9.40 %
65Bhutan9.30 %
66Iraq9.30 %
67India9.30 %
68Maldives9.20 %
69Honduras9.20 %
70Nicaragua9.20 %
71Russian Federation9.20 %
72El Salvador9.20 %
73Ecuador9.20 %
74Sudan8.90 %
75Dominican Republic8.80 %
76Afghanistan8.80 %
77Costa Rica8.50 %
78Djibouti8.40 %
79Romania8.40 %
80Bangladesh8.30 %
81Morocco8.10 %
82South Sudan8.10 %
83Pakistan8.10 %
84Syrian Arab Republic8.10 %
86China, Hong Kong SAR8.00 %
87China, Macao SAR8.00 %
88Sri Lanka8.00 %
89Samoa7.90 %
90Gabon7.80 %
91Slovenia7.80 %
92Slovakia7.80 %
93Equatorial Guinea7.70 %
94Spain7.70 %
95South Africa7.60 %
96Bolivia7.50 %
97Algeria7.50 %
98Israel7.50 %
99Canada7.40 %
100Czech Republic7.40 %
101Germany7.40 %
102Hungary7.30 %
103New Zealand7.30 %
104Timor-Leste7.20 %
105Denmark7.20 %
106Republic of Korea7.20 %
107Thailand7.10 %
108Republic of Moldova7.10 %
109Austria6.90 %
110Haiti6.90 %
111Peru6.90 %
112Philippines6.90 %
113Congo6.90 %
114Myanmar6.80 %
115Uzbekistan6.60 %
116Cameroon6.50 %
117Azerbaijan6.50 %
118Indonesia6.50 %
119Ukraine6.50 %
120Kazakhstan6.40 %
121D.R. Congo6.40 %
122Georgia6.40 %
123Turkmenistan6.40 %
124Tajikistan6.40 %
125Armenia6.40 %
126Kyrgyzstan6.30 %
127Central African Republic6.30 %
128Poland6.20 %
129Switzerland6.10 %
130Iceland6.10 %
131Uruguay6.10 %
132Viet Nam6.00 %
133Argentina6.00 %
134Finland6.00 %
135Norway6.00 %
136Bulgaria5.90 %
137Chad5.70 %
138Japan5.70 %
139Monaco5.70 %
140Botswana5.60 %
141Croatia5.60 %
142Netherlands5.50 %
143Mongolia5.40 %
144Latvia5.40 %
145Least developed countries5.40 %
146Belarus5.30 %
147France5.30 %
148Greece5.20 %
149Italy5.10 %
150Yemen5.10 %
151Australia5.10 %
152Belgium5.10 %
153Somalia5.10 %
154Togo4.80 %
155Luxembourg4.70 %
156United Kingdom4.70 %
157Sweden4.70 %
158Dem. People's Republic of Korea4.40 %
159Ireland4.40 %
160Estonia4.40 %
161Namibia4.20 %
162Angola4.10 %
163Rwanda4.10 %
164Zambia4.10 %
165Tanzania4.10 %
166Lithuania4.00 %
167Madagascar4.00 %
168Lesotho3.90 %
169Zimbabwe3.90 %
170Swaziland3.80 %
171Nepal3.70 %
172Eritrea3.60 %
173Laos3.60 %
174Malawi3.60 %
175Ethiopia3.40 %
176Uganda3.10 %
177Cambodia3.00 %
178Burundi2.70 %
179Mozambique2.60 %
180Kenya2.40 %
181Mauritania2.30 %
182Ghana2.30 %
183Nigeria2.30 %
184Cabo Verde2.30 %
185Sao Tome and Principe2.30 %
186Liberia2.30 %
187Côte d'Ivoire2.30 %
188Guinea2.20 %
189Niger2.20 %
190Guinea-Bissau2.20 %
191Sierra Leone2.20 %
192Mali2.20 %
193Senegal2.20 %
194Burkina Faso2.20 %
195Gambia2.00 %
196Benin0.80 %

Source: Health Nutrition and Population Statistics - World Bank - Downloaded in August 2017