- Topic: Health: Population: Dynamics
- Definition: Crude birth rate indicates the number of live births occurring during the year, per 1,000 population estimated at midyear. Subtracting the crude death rate from the crude birth rate provides the rate of natural increase, which is equal to the rate of population change in the absence of migration.
- Source: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (3) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (4) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Reprot (various years), (5) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database, and (6) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme.
- Statistical concept and methodology: Vital rates are based on data from birth and death registration systems, censuses, and sample surveys by national statistical offices and other organizations, or on demographic analysis. Data for the most recent year for some high-income countries are provisional estimates based on vital registers. The estimates for many countries are projections based on extrapolations of levels and trends from earlier years or interpolations of population estimates and projections from the United Nations Population Division.
- Limitations and exceptions: Vital registers are the preferred source for these data, but in many developing countries systems for registering births and deaths are absent or incomplete because of deficiencies in the coverage of events or geographic areas. Many developing countries carry out special household surveys that ask respondents about recent births and deaths. Estimates derived in this way are subject to sampling errors and recall errors.
List of countries ordered by: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people)
Country | Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) | ||
1 | Niger | 49.21 /1000 | |
2 | Angola | 45.00 /1000 | |
3 | Chad | 44.79 /1000 | |
4 | Burundi | 43.50 /1000 | |
5 | Somalia | 43.37 /1000 | |
6 | Mali | 42.91 /1000 | |
7 | Uganda | 42.53 /1000 | |
8 | Gambia | 41.70 /1000 | |
9 | D.R. Congo | 41.53 /1000 | |
10 | Zambia | 39.67 /1000 | |
11 | Burkina Faso | 39.53 /1000 | |
12 | Nigeria | 39.12 /1000 | |
13 | Mozambique | 38.81 /1000 | |
14 | Malawi | 38.54 /1000 | |
15 | Tanzania | 38.53 /1000 | |
16 | Senegal | 37.52 /1000 | |
17 | Timor-Leste | 37.10 /1000 | |
18 | Côte d'Ivoire | 36.90 /1000 | |
19 | Guinea-Bissau | 36.65 /1000 | |
20 | Guinea | 36.41 /1000 | |
21 | South Sudan | 36.40 /1000 | |
22 | Cameroon | 36.23 /1000 | |
23 | Congo | 36.03 /1000 | |
24 | Benin | 35.59 /1000 | |
25 | Sierra Leone | 35.45 /1000 | |
26 | Togo | 35.07 /1000 | |
27 | Equatorial Guinea | 34.63 /1000 | |
28 | Liberia | 34.61 /1000 | |
29 | Zimbabwe | 34.52 /1000 | |
30 | Iraq | 34.23 /1000 | |
31 | Madagascar | 34.22 /1000 | |
32 | Kenya | 34.08 /1000 | |
33 | Sao Tome and Principe | 33.53 /1000 | |
34 | Central African Republic | 33.44 /1000 | |
35 | Comoros | 33.43 /1000 | |
36 | Eritrea | 33.39 /1000 | |
37 | Afghanistan | 33.31 /1000 | |
38 | Mauritania | 33.00 /1000 | |
39 | Sudan | 32.65 /1000 | |
40 | Least developed countries | 32.40 /1000 | |
41 | State of Palestine | 32.36 /1000 | |
42 | Ghana | 32.26 /1000 | |
43 | Ethiopia | 31.91 /1000 | |
44 | Yemen | 31.89 /1000 | |
45 | Rwanda | 31.16 /1000 | |
46 | Tajikistan | 30.23 /1000 | |
47 | Gabon | 29.72 /1000 | |
48 | Namibia | 29.41 /1000 | |
49 | Swaziland | 29.37 /1000 | |
50 | Solomon Islands | 29.30 /1000 | |
51 | Pakistan | 28.84 /1000 | |
52 | Kiribati | 28.51 /1000 | |
53 | Lesotho | 28.46 /1000 | |
54 | Papua New Guinea | 28.15 /1000 | |
55 | Kyrgyzstan | 27.40 /1000 | |
56 | Egypt | 27.30 /1000 | |
57 | Guatemala | 26.75 /1000 | |
58 | Jordan | 26.51 /1000 | |
59 | Laos | 26.27 /1000 | |
60 | Vanuatu | 26.17 /1000 | |
61 | Samoa | 25.10 /1000 | |
62 | Djibouti | 24.72 /1000 | |
63 | Haiti | 24.58 /1000 | |
64 | Botswana | 24.57 /1000 | |
65 | Tonga | 24.33 /1000 | |
66 | Cambodia | 23.78 /1000 | |
67 | Algeria | 23.69 /1000 | |
68 | Bolivia | 23.59 /1000 | |
69 | Micronesia (Fed. States of) | 23.57 /1000 | |
70 | Uzbekistan | 23.50 /1000 | |
71 | Mongolia | 23.43 /1000 | |
72 | Philippines | 23.32 /1000 | |
73 | LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | 22.82 /1000 | |
74 | Belize | 22.76 /1000 | |
75 | Kazakhstan | 22.66 /1000 | |
76 | Syrian Arab Republic | 22.51 /1000 | |
77 | Israel | 21.30 /1000 | |
78 | Paraguay | 21.17 /1000 | |
79 | Cabo Verde | 21.11 /1000 | |
80 | Honduras | 20.88 /1000 | |
81 | Turkmenistan | 20.84 /1000 | |
82 | Maldives | 20.80 /1000 | |
83 | Dominican Republic | 20.51 /1000 | |
84 | Ecuador | 20.49 /1000 | |
85 | South Africa | 20.41 /1000 | |
86 | Morocco | 20.38 /1000 | |
87 | Libya | 20.30 /1000 | |
88 | Nepal | 20.22 /1000 | |
89 | Nicaragua | 19.93 /1000 | |
90 | Fiji | 19.69 /1000 | |
91 | Saudi Arabia | 19.69 /1000 | |
92 | India | 19.66 /1000 | |
93 | Peru | 19.60 /1000 | |
94 | Indonesia | 19.58 /1000 | |
95 | Kuwait | 19.56 /1000 | |
96 | Bangladesh | 19.45 /1000 | |
97 | Oman | 19.32 /1000 | |
98 | Guyana | 19.29 /1000 | |
99 | Venezuela | 19.27 /1000 | |
100 | Panama | 19.12 /1000 | |
101 | Grenada | 19.02 /1000 | |
102 | Mexico | 18.47 /1000 | |
103 | Suriname | 17.95 /1000 | |
104 | Tunisia | 17.94 /1000 | |
105 | Myanmar | 17.49 /1000 | |
106 | Bhutan | 17.40 /1000 | |
107 | Argentina | 17.36 /1000 | |
108 | Jamaica | 17.23 /1000 | |
109 | Azerbaijan | 17.20 /1000 | |
110 | Guam | 17.18 /1000 | |
111 | El Salvador | 17.18 /1000 | |
112 | Iran | 17.08 /1000 | |
113 | Seychelles | 17.00 /1000 | |
114 | Viet Nam | 16.94 /1000 | |
115 | Malaysia | 16.79 /1000 | |
116 | Turkey | 16.49 /1000 | |
117 | New Caledonia | 16.40 /1000 | |
118 | Antigua and Barbuda | 16.20 /1000 | |
119 | French Polynesia | 16.00 /1000 | |
120 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 15.78 /1000 | |
121 | Brunei Darussalam | 15.69 /1000 | |
122 | Sri Lanka | 15.60 /1000 | |
123 | Colombia | 15.48 /1000 | |
124 | Lebanon | 15.40 /1000 | |
125 | Bahamas | 15.04 /1000 | |
126 | Saint Lucia | 14.93 /1000 | |
127 | Costa Rica | 14.52 /1000 | |
128 | Brazil | 14.51 /1000 | |
129 | Dem. People's Republic of Korea | 14.33 /1000 | |
130 | Bahrain | 14.21 /1000 | |
131 | Ireland | 14.20 /1000 | |
132 | Uruguay | 14.15 /1000 | |
133 | Trinidad and Tobago | 13.98 /1000 | |
134 | Albania | 13.63 /1000 | |
135 | Georgia | 13.36 /1000 | |
136 | Russian Federation | 13.30 /1000 | |
137 | New Zealand | 13.27 /1000 | |
138 | Chile | 13.05 /1000 | |
139 | Armenia | 13.01 /1000 | |
140 | Australia | 12.70 /1000 | |
141 | Belarus | 12.50 /1000 | |
142 | Iceland | 12.50 /1000 | |
143 | United States of America | 12.40 /1000 | |
144 | China | 12.10 /1000 | |
145 | Barbados | 12.01 /1000 | |
146 | France | 12.00 /1000 | |
147 | United Kingdom | 11.90 /1000 | |
148 | Curaçao | 11.90 /1000 | |
149 | Qatar | 11.81 /1000 | |
150 | Sweden | 11.70 /1000 | |
151 | China, Macao SAR | 11.68 /1000 | |
152 | Montenegro | 11.44 /1000 | |
153 | Norway | 11.40 /1000 | |
154 | TFYR Macedonia | 11.26 /1000 | |
155 | Cyprus | 11.21 /1000 | |
156 | Latvia | 11.10 /1000 | |
157 | Belgium | 10.90 /1000 | |
158 | Canada | 10.90 /1000 | |
159 | Lithuania | 10.80 /1000 | |
160 | Ukraine | 10.70 /1000 | |
161 | Luxembourg | 10.70 /1000 | |
162 | Estonia | 10.60 /1000 | |
163 | United Arab Emirates | 10.59 /1000 | |
164 | Republic of Moldova | 10.57 /1000 | |
165 | Thailand | 10.53 /1000 | |
166 | Czech Republic | 10.50 /1000 | |
167 | United States Virgin Islands | 10.30 /1000 | |
168 | Slovakia | 10.30 /1000 | |
169 | Denmark | 10.20 /1000 | |
170 | Switzerland | 10.20 /1000 | |
171 | Finland | 10.10 /1000 | |
172 | Mauritius | 10.10 /1000 | |
173 | Cuba | 10.09 /1000 | |
174 | Aruba | 10.04 /1000 | |
175 | Netherlands | 10.00 /1000 | |
176 | Malta | 10.00 /1000 | |
177 | Slovenia | 10.00 /1000 | |
178 | Austria | 9.80 /1000 | |
179 | Poland | 9.70 /1000 | |
180 | Singapore | 9.70 /1000 | |
181 | Hungary | 9.40 /1000 | |
182 | Romania | 9.30 /1000 | |
183 | Serbia | 9.30 /1000 | |
184 | Bulgaria | 9.20 /1000 | |
185 | Spain | 9.00 /1000 | |
186 | Germany | 9.00 /1000 | |
187 | Puerto Rico | 9.00 /1000 | |
188 | Croatia | 8.90 /1000 | |
189 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 8.82 /1000 | |
190 | Republic of Korea | 8.60 /1000 | |
191 | Greece | 8.50 /1000 | |
192 | Portugal | 8.30 /1000 | |
193 | China, Hong Kong SAR | 8.20 /1000 | |
194 | Monaco | 8.10 /1000 | |
195 | Italy | 8.00 /1000 | |
196 | Japan | 7.90 /1000 |
Source: Health
Nutrition and Population Statistics - World Bank - Downloaded in August 2017