
  • Topic: Health: Population: Dynamics
  • Definition: Age dependency ratio is the ratio of dependents--people younger than 15 or older than 64--to the working-age population--those ages 15-64. Data are shown as the proportion of dependents per 100 working-age population.
  • Source: World Bank staff estimates based on age distributions of United Nations Population Division's World Population Prospects.
  • Statistical concept and methodology: Dependency ratios capture variations in the proportions of children, elderly people, and working-age people in the population that imply the dependency burden that the working-age population bears in relation to children and the elderly. But dependency ratios show only the age composition of a population, not economic dependency. Some children and elderly people are part of the labor force, and many working-age people are not. Age structure in the World Bank's population estimates is based on the age structure in United Nations Population Division's World Population Prospects. For more information, see the original source.
  • Development relevance: Patterns of development in a country are partly determined by the age composition of its population. Different age groups have different impacts on both the environment and on infrastructure needs. Therefore the age structure of a population is useful for analyzing resource use and formulating future policy and planning goals with regards infrastructure and development.
  • General comments: Relevance to gender indicator: this indicator implies the dependency burden that the working-age population bears in relation to children and the elderly. Many times single or widowed women who are the sole caregiver of a household have a high dependency ratio.
  • Limitations and exceptions: Because the five-year age group is the cohort unit and five-year period data are used in the United Nations Population Division's World Population Prospects, interpolations to obtain annual data or single age structure may not reflect actual events or age composition. For more information, see the original source.

List of countries ordered by: Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population)

CountryAge dependency ratio (% of working-age population)
1Niger112.97 %
2Uganda102.35 %
3Chad100.69 %
4Mali100.18 %
5Angola99.86 %
6Somalia98.13 %
7D.R. Congo95.91 %
8Zambia95.40 %
9Mozambique94.75 %
10Malawi94.55 %
11Gambia94.17 %
12Tanzania93.80 %
13Timor-Leste92.27 %
14Burkina Faso92.18 %
15Burundi89.65 %
16Nigeria87.71 %
17Senegal87.60 %
18Afghanistan86.95 %
19Congo86.19 %
20Cameroon84.26 %
21Sao Tome and Principe84.21 %
22Guinea83.81 %
23South Sudan83.66 %
24Côte d'Ivoire83.49 %
25Liberia82.87 %
26Benin81.98 %
27Sierra Leone81.93 %
28Togo81.83 %
29Ethiopia81.57 %
30Kenya80.87 %
31Zimbabwe80.39 %
32Madagascar80.33 %
33Least developed countries79.10 %
34Iraq78.70 %
35Guinea-Bissau78.45 %
36Rwanda78.07 %
37Sudan78.04 %
38Mauritania76.14 %
39State of Palestine76.00 %
40Comoros75.65 %
41Yemen75.60 %
42Central African Republic75.16 %
43Solomon Islands75.08 %
44Tonga74.33 %
45Samoa73.99 %
46Gabon73.11 %
47Ghana73.04 %
48Equatorial Guinea72.85 %
49Guatemala70.85 %
50Syrian Arab Republic70.03 %
51Swaziland69.31 %
52Vanuatu68.72 %
53Namibia67.27 %
54Lesotho67.27 %
55Papua New Guinea67.09 %
56Pakistan65.30 %
57Jordan64.78 %
58Japan64.47 %
59Israel64.13 %
60Bolivia63.69 %
61Kiribati63.00 %
62Laos62.81 %
63Micronesia (Fed. States of)62.40 %
64Egypt62.29 %
65Haiti62.26 %
66Nepal61.84 %
67United States Virgin Islands61.20 %
68Tajikistan60.89 %
69France60.27 %
70Sweden59.30 %
71Djibouti58.53 %
72Finland58.27 %
73Honduras57.77 %
74Dominican Republic57.76 %
75Philippines57.55 %
77Belize56.78 %
78Paraguay56.63 %
79Argentina56.55 %
80Italy56.54 %
81Greece56.25 %
82Uruguay55.88 %
83Denmark55.86 %
84Ecuador55.58 %
85Cambodia55.57 %
86Kyrgyzstan55.35 %
87Botswana55.27 %
88United Kingdom55.12 %
89El Salvador54.32 %
90Belgium54.25 %
91Nicaragua54.13 %
92New Zealand54.01 %
93Ireland53.66 %
94Estonia53.49 %
95Portugal53.48 %
96Panama53.37 %
97Netherlands53.27 %
98Peru53.19 %
99Fiji52.85 %
100Algeria52.62 %
101Bangladesh52.49 %
102India52.45 %
103Libya52.38 %
104Venezuela52.37 %
105Norway52.21 %
106Latvia52.18 %
107South Africa52.14 %
108Cabo Verde52.05 %
109Guam51.98 %
110Bulgaria51.91 %
111Germany51.81 %
112Mexico51.68 %
113Iceland51.59 %
114Sri Lanka51.23 %
115Croatia51.12 %
116Curaçao51.10 %
117Guyana51.09 %
118Australia50.93 %
119United States of America50.91 %
120Malta50.78 %
121Spain50.76 %
122Suriname50.76 %
123Grenada50.70 %
124Barbados50.44 %
125Kazakhstan50.27 %
126Morocco50.13 %
127Serbia50.11 %
128Lithuania50.07 %
129Puerto Rico50.02 %
130Turkey49.72 %
131Uzbekistan49.65 %
132Czech Republic49.52 %
133Austria49.18 %
134Myanmar49.05 %
135Indonesia48.96 %
136Romania48.89 %
137Switzerland48.85 %
138Slovenia48.71 %
139Jamaica48.63 %
140New Caledonia47.92 %
141Turkmenistan47.88 %
142Hungary47.88 %
143Montenegro47.71 %
144Mongolia47.65 %
145Maldives47.45 %
146Lebanon47.34 %
147Saint Lucia47.33 %
148Canada47.29 %
149Bhutan46.90 %
150Saint Vincent and the Grenadines46.76 %
151Saudi Arabia45.87 %
152Georgia45.67 %
153Antigua and Barbuda45.65 %
154Colombia45.62 %
155Costa Rica45.37 %
156Chile45.24 %
157Tunisia44.82 %
158Albania44.81 %
159Malaysia44.74 %
160Brazil44.66 %
161Dem. People's Republic of Korea44.31 %
162Aruba43.95 %
163Poland43.84 %
164Luxembourg43.71 %
165Seychelles43.52 %
166Cuba43.43 %
167Ukraine43.34 %
168Trinidad and Tobago43.25 %
169Russian Federation43.10 %
170Belarus42.96 %
171Viet Nam42.51 %
172French Polynesia42.23 %
173Cyprus41.64 %
174TFYR Macedonia41.39 %
175Armenia41.26 %
176Bahamas41.25 %
177Slovakia40.78 %
178Bosnia and Herzegovina40.73 %
179Mauritius40.62 %
180Iran40.19 %
181Thailand39.24 %
182Azerbaijan38.02 %
183Brunei Darussalam37.98 %
184Singapore37.41 %
185Republic of Korea37.21 %
186China, Hong Kong SAR37.03 %
187China36.58 %
188Republic of Moldova34.57 %
189Kuwait32.09 %
190Bahrain31.38 %
191Oman30.04 %
192China, Macao SAR28.21 %
193Qatar20.05 %
194United Arab Emirates17.75 %

Source: Health Nutrition and Population Statistics - World Bank - Downloaded in August 2017